Video interviews are becoming more popular within recruitment processes. For some, this can be stressful and challenging.
Maybe you are easily distracted by the technical aspect or start thinking too much about details like "what should I do with my hands?". It may feel unfamiliar, but with a little training and preparation, this will feel as natural as a regular job interview.
To be sure that you are going to make a good impression, we have some tips:
- Do a rehearsal where you call a friend and test the internet access, microphone and similar technical details. You can also record the interview so you can look for things you want to change or get better at. You may want to practice in front of a mirror.
- The video should show your face and shoulders. If you are unsure, look at interviews on TV where they often use the same framing.
- Sound. For the interviewer to hear you, it is important to sit in a quiet room, without noise, and speak clearly. Feel free to have headphones or earbuds ready so we can hear you well. Avoid rooms with bad acoustics.
- Think about where you sit. It can be bothersome for you as a candidate and for interviews if there is a lot going on in the background. A solutions to this may be to place yourself in front of a neutral background. Remember not to sit in front of a window, we won't see you very well.
- Remember to test your webcam and microphone before the interview. Technical problems are always tedious as it prevents a good flow to the interview. If something has happened and there is a problem – tell the interviewer. We all understand, and it is better to fix it right away so that you do not miss information or misunderstand a question.
- Network access can sometimes present challenges. Sometimes we find that it can cause us to talk at the same time. So, a tip might be to wait a second or two before answering a question.
- You must be as prepared for a video interview as for a regular interview. Speak up about the company and dress professionally. There may be situations where you need to get up, get a sheet or fix a technical error, so it is important that you have professional attire and do not wander around in jogging pants.
- Body language is important. Body language often reflects motivation, interest and personality. Therefore, it is important to know which signals you send out. There is no point in pretending to be something you are not, but if you really want the job you should practice showing it. Since the interview is via video this can be a challenge for some. Simple ways to show interest are to be genuine in the expressions you convey. If something is funny - smile, if you agree with something - nod. Your voice must also express that you are interested. What is important to keep in mind is that it is not always possible to come up with confirmatory sounds like "Mhm" as we Norwegians tend to use frequently. Avoid using an office chair that swings around. This will prevent the interviewer from getting seasick during the interview.